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Stem Cells, PRP, IRAP, Hydrogels for Joints and Tendons
Joint disease from inflammation is perhaps the most common lameness issue affecting performance and pleasure horses. Much of our work with sport horses involves injecting hocks and other joint.
For those horses that don’t respond first line treatments, or if we have to inject multiple joints at the same time or close to a show or if a horse has a condition that requires we avoid corticosteroids, Dr. Novick provides second line treatments. This includes biological treatments where a patients supplies their own tissue or blood which is processed for Stem Cell treatment, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), IRAP, and ProStride or Hydrogels, Such as Noltrex or Arthromid Hydrogel.
Tendon and Ligament Injuries can also benefit from advanced therapies. Stem Cells, PRP, Shockwave treatments and other choices have all been useful in helping these injuries heal. Dr. Novick can advise you on what is the best choice for your horse.
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Schedule an Appointment for Stem Cells, PRP, IRAP, or Hydrogels for Joints and Tendons
Please note that this form is a request only, we will contact you to confirm your appointment date and time. If you have immediate questions, please contact Dr. Novick at (408) 946-6888 or (650) 855-9626.