Ice Treatment for Your Horse
Cold therapy has been used for a long time. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used on sore tendons, joints, and hooves. The question always arises as to what method is best used to apply cold therapy.
A New Treatment for Navicular Disease Approved as an Alternative to Tildren
For a little over a decade, Tildren has been used to treat Navicular Disease along with a number of other conditions such as back pain associated with "kissing spines" of the vertebrae, and bone spavin.
A2M - A New Biologic Joint Therapy
As horse people, we all want to do what is best for our equine partners. My job is to provide you the best options possible. At this time, I am one of the few equine veterinarians in the Bay Area that can offer one of the newest and most effective joint treatments, A2M or Alpha 2 Macroglobulin.
Pentosan vs. Adequan vs. Legend for Joint Maintenance
Many horses either because of competition demands or the inevitable results of aging require joint medications to keep them in prime performance. The best approach if a specific joint is involved is to do direct joint injections. In addition to direct injections, systemic intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) joint medication can help maximize the response and extend the time between when direct joint injections are needed.
Navicular Disease New Treatments
Navicular disease is a disease of the hoof where pain originates in the navicular bone, a small bone just behind the coffin bone.
When Back Pain is not Back Pain
Frequently, I am asked to examine a horse for back pain. Although the pain along the back is real, the problem often lies further down on the horse. Usually it stems from a chronic hind leg lameness.
Foot Abscesses - Diagnosis and Treatment
With wet weather, horses are standing in mud. This softens the sole of the hoof causing tiny cracks, especially at the white line (the junction of the sole and the hoof wall). Dirt then works its way up under the sole where bacteria flourish.
Hock Lameness - Bone Spavin
Frequently, I am asked to examine a horse for back pain. Although the pain along the back is real, the problem often lies further down on the horse. Usually it stems from a chronic hind leg lameness.
Which Leg is Lame? - The Forelimb
Lameness in horses is one of the primary reasons for calling out your veterinarian. It causes wastage of young athletes and forces the ultimate retirement of older horses. Most horse owner know when their horse is lame. However, few are sure which leg is the lame leg.
Determining Hind Leg Lameness
Determining hind leg lameness can be a challenge. If you have problems picking out which leg is lame, you are not alone.
Stifle Lameness - Upward Fixation of the Patella
Stifle lameness generally falls into one of two diagnostic choices the first is that of permanent or intermittent upward fixation of the patella.
Understanding and Treating Navicular Disease
The first and most important point of this entire article is that Navicular Disease is NOT TERMINAL. With treatment and care the large majority of horses that have a diagnosis of navicular disease can be managed and returned to their previous level of performance.
What is a Pre-Purchase Examination?
A pre-purchase exam is a complete physical and lameness evaluation performed by a veterinarian for a potential buyer of a horse. The purpose is to determine what if any health or lameness problems the horse has today and what problems it may develop in the future.
Tying-Up - Understanding Tying-Up Syndrome
Tying-up is a laymen's term for the condition known as Exertional Rhabdomyolisis. In this condition there is massive contraction of the muscle groups along the back and rump of the horse.