Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick

When Back Pain is not Back Pain

Frequently, I am asked to examine a horse for back pain. Although the pain along the back is real, the problem often lies further down on the horse. Usually it stems from a chronic hind leg lameness.

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Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick

Foot Abscesses - Diagnosis and Treatment

With wet weather, horses are standing in mud. This softens the sole of the hoof causing tiny cracks, especially at the white line (the junction of the sole and the hoof wall). Dirt then works its way up under the sole where bacteria flourish.

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Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick

Hock Lameness - Bone Spavin

Frequently, I am asked to examine a horse for back pain. Although the pain along the back is real, the problem often lies further down on the horse. Usually it stems from a chronic hind leg lameness.

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Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick

Which Leg is Lame? - The Forelimb

Lameness in horses is one of the primary reasons for calling out your veterinarian. It causes wastage of young athletes and forces the ultimate retirement of older horses. Most horse owner know when their horse is lame. However, few are sure which leg is the lame leg.

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Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick Lameness Dr. Douglas Novick

Understanding and Treating Navicular Disease

The first and most important point of this entire article is that Navicular Disease is NOT TERMINAL. With treatment and care the large majority of horses that have a diagnosis of navicular disease can be managed and returned to their previous level of performance.

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